For the next two weeks, Foodista will be sharing recipes to create the ultimate Thanksgiving meal....
Harissa roasted vegetables add a bit of spice to your Meatless Monday. Harissa, a North...
This recipe for harissa from The Wimpy Vegetarian is a homemade gift that any cook will love....
This sweet potato casserole by The Kitchen Witch is an incredible Thanksgiving side dish. ...
Cauliflower and kale pie by 1 Big Bite makes use of those early winter vegetables. Roasted...
With Thanksgiving only a couple of weeks away, it's time to start thinking about the menu....
The 1UP Mushroom burger pays tribute to the classic game of Super Mario and is chalked full of...
Nothing beats a bowl of homemade cream of tomato soup. Foodista user Spicie Foodie shares her...
Daylight savings gives you an extra hour to do all the things you never have time to do. This...
Cavi-art, specializes in vegan, plant based caviar. This seaweed based caviar comes in a...
These garlic dill pickles are the perfect recipe for beginners. The art of pickling and...
Creamed spinach may be a popular vegetable side dish but it is loaded with calories. This...
Ahi tuna salad is a fresh and easy dish. Tuna steaks are marinated is a tasty dressing of...
Handheld pumpkin pies from Building Buttercream are a must-make autumn dessert. Spiced...
Red lentil curry is a tasty gluten-free and vegan dish. Lentils are a great source of protein...
Sweet potato flatbread from Simply Irresistible is a delicious meatless meal. Cubes of sweet...
Twice baked potatoes are a favorite comfort food. It is hard to resist a creamy, cheesy...
What a great way to warm you up, after a fall outing? Try this spicy red lentil soup for your...
Pumpkin rice balls from Apron Strings are a healthy Halloween snack. This time of year brings...
These butternut squash "fries" are a fabulous dish. This is a healthy alternative...