One of my husband’s favorite fall meals is a pot pie. In my feel-good interpretation of this...
This simple roasted veggie dish is a perfect fall side, and a tasty way to include more veggies in...
We often think of sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner covered in mini marshmallows and served as...
Serve this hearty vegetarian stew with lentils, chicken, fish, or tempeh for a simply delicious...
Some nights you get home and just want a gourmet meal, but simply don't have the energy to be...
Green bean casserole is a must-have side dish at your Thansgiving table. This recipe throws...
Happy Meatless Monday! This week I thought I'd feature a roundup of my favorite gluten free...
Perfect for holiday entertaining, vegetarian dishes can easily fill many roles! Depending on...
This yummy kale recipe is a perfect hearty fall dish to celebrate Meatless Monday. 1 bunch kale,...
Poblano, mango, and black bean quesadillas are a sweet and spicy meal that can be made any night of...
Thanksgiving entertaining can feel like an increasingly daunting task! With the Big Day only two...
Broccoli in cheddar cheese sauce is a quick and easy side dish that can be put on the table any...
Romanesco broccoli, or Roman cauliflower is related to, you guessed it, cauliflower and broccoli as...
Store bought olives can be expensive, and it's actually quite easy to cure your own. The...
Spaghetti squash is a tasty fall treat, and is even more delicious with Asian inspired flavors....
Acorn Squash Stuffed with Wild Rice Sweet acorn squash stuffed with spicy-savory wild rice and...
Butternut Squash Apple Soup Two of Falls' beloved treats come together for this delicious and...
Stuffed peppers are one of those recipes that are perfect for leftovers. Leftover chicken?...
Pad Thai is a popular restaurant dish, but it is frequently made with too much sugar and poor...
Norman Weinstein is a chef and instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education and the author of...