Sometimes, the perfect summer dessert is hidden in the past! While certain recipe ideas from the...
The bacon butty is a common sandwich eaten in Great Britain. It is simply buttered bread with...
It's Friday the 13th and before we get to the gross foods, here's a brief (and freaky)...
I was inspired by something I saw on a dessert menu on Bashan's website that listed a "peanut...
These are very tasty, especially with a bit of butter and a dab of jam. They freeze and reheat...
This is a traditional English dish designed to stretch a family's available meat. A thicker...
A traditional British dessert made from breadcrumbs, jam, and meringue.
Difficult it aint:) More horseradish means a hotter sauce. A little malt vinegar can be added...
Serve hot or cold, this is surely the way to an Englishman's heart. You may substitute honey or...