Best Mug Cakes Ever by Monica Sweeney share recipes for these speedy and satisfying desserts....
One- or two-bite desserts are hot, even when they're cool. In this recipe from President'...
It's apple season and you know what that means - apple pies, apple tarts, applesauce, apple...
Fruity Jello shots are a great way to add a little zest to your summer party. These edible...
Decadence in every gooey bite, this recipe for Salted Caramel Turtle Thumbprint Cookies is going to...
A gorgeously layered take on French apple tart - sugar almond crust, vanilla-cream cheese custard...
Fudgy, decadent, and delicious, brownies are an all-time favorite American treat. This...
Chocolate Cake Infused with Coffee, Topped with Caramel and Whipped Cream Frosting
In chef John Verlinden's new book To Cook is to Love: Nuevo Cuban: Lighter, Healthier Latin...
For the grand finale on Easter, why not make this recipe for spring fruit salad in a spun caramel...
Chocolate caramel matzo is an easy passover dessert, you don't even need to turn on...
Looking for something sweet and simple, yet beautiful enough to finish off a holiday meal? ...
Today is Caramel Day here in the U.S. And to celebrate this entire day of sweet, amber goodness, we...
Your next caramel apple has to be these, shaped like Hello Kitty. I have a little chef who dreams...
Chocolate salted caramel cups from Yammie's Noshery are gourmet treat you can make at home...
Candy is the best, especially chocolate. The name synonymous with yummy candy bars is Snickers...
Chocolate alfajores are a melt-in-your mouth cookie. This Argentinean staple combines a...
Sometimes the best dinner is actually breakfast. Enjoy this peach caramel French toast recipe with...