Funny story about German Chocolate cake. This 100% American recipe was created in 1852 and named...
From salt-and-buttered movie going fare to sugar-coated kettle corn and crunchy Cracker Jack,...
Salted Caramel can easily be named as "hot trend" in the foodie world. From Starbucks...
It's easy to see that it's apple season around here! As a native Washingtonian, we haven...
One of the most popular flavors across the board, salted caramel sounds perplexing, but like all...
Delicious Dark Chocolate and Maraschino Cherries...need I say more?
A quick and easy summer dessert, crumbles and crisps are an excellent way of celebrating summer...
These yummy bars are quite addicting. The combo of chocolate, caramel and pecans on a cookie like...
Popcorn is a versatile snack that's not just for the movies. You can go savory or sweet,...
Argentinian dulce de leche cookies or alfajores are a delicate butter cookies sandwiched together...
This caramel sauce is made with coconut milk so it’s dairy free and with palm sugar so it’s...
from 'Around the World - in favorite recipes'
Pineapple Cake With Sauteed Pineapple-Caramel Sauce With Bananas In Macadamia Nut Ice Cream Ala Mode
Oh so creamy, yummy, gooey, ooey sauteed pineapples in caramel sauce lathered over bananas and...
the honey flavor gives that caramel sauce an amazingly addictive taste
You know them by heart--I know you do: Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Samoas. I'm...