Combine two favorite desserts; carrot cake and whoopie pies, to make a beautiful new recipe....
We never thought that anything would taste better than a rhubarb cake. This German Rhubarb Cake...
Rich chocolate chip peanut butter cups, topped with a layer of decadent chocolate peanut butter...
Gluten-free baking can sometimes be tricky. Torie Jayne's recipe for gluten-free...
We all love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but how about a creamy, sweet PB and J parfait?...
This recipe is a fun one, as it creates dessert versions of main dishes such as spring rolls and...
This traditional Easter cookie is one that every 4H cooking member has tried. They are simple to...
A fun and tasty treat, these Blarney Stones are a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with...
If you have had enough of the candy coins and leprechauns, how about trying a grown up dessert for...
We love quick and easy recipes. We especially love quick and easy DESSERT recipes. Check out this...
Do not listen to anyone who says you can't enjoy a rich creamy frozen treat when there is still...
One bite of these amazing Guinness Chocolate Cupcakes with Bailey's Buttercream. How can you...
There are some desserts that make you go "Hmmm". These Lucky Charms Cheesecakes are funky...
What is it about rainbow foods that we love so much? Check out this latest rainbow treasure from...
Finally! It is a food holiday that we can sink our forks into: March 2 is National Banana Cream Pie...
These 5 sweet oatmeal recipes are perfect for the cookie jar and when you just want a sweet treat...
Move over Chocolate, Nutella Mousse is in town. Check out the amazing dessert from Nicko'...
Valentine's Day is almost upon us, and you still are looking for the perfect recipe, right?...
Enjoy something just a little bit different this Valentine's Day, with this Panna Cotta with...
Everyone loves Jello. What with it’s fruity taste, colorful appearance, and strangely...