From "Sephardic Cooking" by Copeland Marks. Malawach is an example of a recipe that uses Ajin.
Roasted vegetables are wonderful any time of year. The carrots, beets and onions make a beautiful...
Shish-barak is an old traditional Arabic dish that is varied a little from country to country in...
Created by Chef Mordechai Drucker. Preparation time: 25 minutes. Cooking time: 25 minutes.
NOTES : Sesame tahini goes into this candy recipe to make a delicious variation of fudge.
There are many varieties of this dessert, also known as Turkish Delight. Serve at room temperature...
Bharat is used in a wide variety of Arabic cooking. It can also be found in Middle Eastern markets...
Note: The clove studding each piece is not traditionally eaten, it is removed by the person whose...
If your hummus is not soft and creamy, then you did not leave enough liquid with the chick peas....
Serve with green or black olives and fresh watercress. Kabseh spices (found in international...
Serve with tomato and lemon slices with rice or with a rice pilaf.
For this middle eastern specially, falafel small, deep fried balls or patties made from spiced...
This does NOT have to be frozen. It will keep in the refrigerator for at least six weeks if you...