Ready in under thirty minutes, moist, soft and sweet, these paleo banana and blueberry muffins...
The eggless tutti frutti muffin is an excellent one and can be used in snacks / breakfast. Yogurt...
The great thing about muffins is their flexibility – they can be either breakfast or dessert or...
Caramel Banana Poke Muffins are RIDICULOUSLY moist, delicious and loaded with pockets of sweet...
Packed with fruit and flavour, these Apple Fig & Oatmeal Muffins with their delicate streusel...
Try this delicious gluten free recipe idea.
Chocolate Cherry Coconut Scuffins are the PERFECT blend between a muffin and a scone. Greek yogurt...
Gluten Free Muffin Soufflé is the perfect choice with your morning coffee or tea. You can even take...
When we first came across these Low Carb Egg Breakfast Muffins it suckered us in instantly, but...
Pumpkins, nuts and spice – it's a taste of fall. Adding peanut butter to muffin batter packs...
Buttermilk Blueberry Streusel Topped muffins so buttery and sweet you don't even need to add...
My stevia version resulted beautifully with a perfectly moist and zesty flavor. Both ways work...
Muffins are the best hand held breakfast we can think of. A good muffin is moist and tender, filled...
The Baking Bible from Rose Levy Beranbaum is the magnum opus from "the most meticulous...
Cupcakes are a handheld piece of cake. Let's be honest about it. Cupcakes are really the...
Back to school can be a stressful time for parents. Whether it's because the family is...
Cold nights on the maritime coast call for a fruit filled bowl of something that resembles pie. It...
Milk and cereal are a breakfast staple. While tasty in its own right, parents can serve other...
I think my earliest memory of food was a blueberry muffin; a light, airy confection full of sublime...