Poached pear and brown butter tart is a fabulous dessert. Fall fruit is beginning to appear...
Serve with whip cream and a good cup of coffee or tea. With Love, Catherine xo
This cocktail’s pretty ruby red color is unexpected, as are the flavored pear-lemon ice cubes...
This delicate cocktail tantalizes the taste buds with a balance of sweetness and substance. ...
Velvet smooth and practically singing with pear flavor, this charming cocktail offers spicy notes...
A variation on the classic Rusty Nail, the silky smooth pear purée makes this cocktail a joy to...
This delicious drink looks great in a martini glass, champagne flute or cocktail glass, especially...
No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a variety of cakes, pies, and cookies. Check out...
Cranberries are great for sauce but are also incredible in desserts. These five mouth-...
Cardamom pear upside down cake is the modern version of the classic pineapple with maraschino...
This simple salad is the perfect light meal for Meatless Monday. Fruity fall pears are mixed...
This is a wonderful and delicious treat for any season and occasion! Many Blessings, Catherine xo
This is a wonderful and delicious treat for any season and occasion! Many Blessings, Catherine xo
This avocado pear salad is sweet, tangy, and creamy. 7 oz. Spring mix 2 Anjou Pears, peeled...
Fall is a time for sweet pears and tart apples. These five pear dessert highlight the fruit...
October is National Dessert Month. Celebrate with one of these sweet treats. New York...
Fall has offcially arrived and the cool weather calls for warm soup and tasty sandwiches. ...
It's that time of year again -- the leaves are turning, pumpkins are starting to crop up all...