A sweet peach is one of summer's gifts. This vegan version of peaches and cream from...
Key lime pie is the perfect dessert to welcome warm weather. It is cool, refreshing, and...
Even vegans can enjoy the deliciousness that is chocolate hazelnut spread. Whether it's...
Delicious and slightly spicy all raw and vegan chili chocolate truffles!
A tasty all raw vegan version of the traditional pumpkin pie. A perfect ending for a Thanksgiving...
Chia seeds are amazing little things, about twice the size of poppy seeds, these teeny titans of...
Looking to get all the flavor and satisfaction from your favorite pasta but looking to cut out the...
These are just delicious! I didn’t actually use cocoa or chocolate but instead I used something...
This is the best cake I have ever made!It's healthy too! It is 100% raw and instead of cocoa I...
3 minutes. In less time than it takes to watch funny cat videos on YouTube, you could have...
This simple raw fudge is beyond delicious and full of nutrient dense goodness. 1/2 cup coconut...
Cookies are delicious and often addictive, but they don't need to be bad for you. This nutrient...
Honestly, who (food allergie/intolerances aside) doesn't like chocolate? I'm pretty sure I...
Satisfy your sweet tooth with these simply delicious raw macaroons. 2 cups coconut flakes 1/...
Who doesn't love National Taco Day? You can toss just about anything inside the shell, and...
Today is national cinnamon bun day (in Sweden), and for the gluten and sugar free people, that'...
Raw meals never tasted so good! Fresh fall flavors shine in these three easy to prepare meals that...
A few days ago, I wrote about Dimitri Tsykalov's incredible carved skulls made out of...
Fall is the time of year when my favorite brightly colored fruit comes into season. Persimmons are...
As the bountiful summer season comes to a close, there is still time to enjoy those fresh from the...