This is one combination you'll not soon forget! If you have enough zucchini noodles left over, you...
Can be made a head of time, refrigerated and served cold as an appetizer or over a salad of...
Adapted from David Jubb's recipe on Raw for Life - The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food...
This makes a wonderful topping for tacos, nachos, just about anything that needs a little zing!...
The recipe I created uses all products in its natural form therefore, if you think it has a high...
This beautifully rich and creamy raw dessert pie is full of nutrition and flavor. Additions to...
This uncooked dessert cookie is easy to prepare and a joy to eat. These sweet little morsels will...
I have been craving raw food lately and in the form of tomatoes and soup. Something cool to...
Now let's get to a great dessert I created this past week before we left on our trip. I had...
Using raw nuts or seeds to make delicious cookies is easy, and there is no need to cook. Simply...
This is a creamy sweet fruit dish, great as a snack or dessert. Figs and walnuts are a wonderful...