A cake full of exotic flavors.
I want to present an interesting variation to a fairly simple recipe that I had submitted several...
This perfect-for-fall rum cocktail recipe is like a spiced apple pie in a glass! Spiced rum is...
We simply love this summertime twist on the Long Island Iced Tea cocktail. It features a blend of...
Richland Rum is a most kind product. I like it plain and simple in a snifter or a small rocks glass...
If you love the flavors of rum, ginger and coconut water then we have the drink for you! The Dark...
Top off a warm summer day with this "skinny adult" ice tea.
Toast to National Rum Day with this sensational strawberry mojito. This refreshing cocktail...
Today is National Rum Day, so let's celebrate with these tasty rum-based cocktails from the...
I love peaches and, when they are in season, eat them almost daily. Fresh, out of hand are the...
In the couple of weeks since Tales of the Cocktail I've become hyper-sensitive to the cocktails...
Even on the worst of days, a pina colada can transport you to a tropical beach and instantly relax...
Celebrate National Daiquiri Day with this creamy blue daiquiri from The Hungry Couple NYC. ...
Imagine this: a delicious tea blend mixed with a little juice and Captain Morgan's Rum to enjoy...
Rum glazed grilled pineapple is an exceptionally easy dessert. Fresh pineapple rings are...
While margaritas may be the drink of choice for Cinco de Mayo, mojitos are not far behind. ...
Rum balls are a classic Christmas time treat. This candy is so simple to make and so popular...
Warm yourself up this winter with a hot buttered rum cider. Nothing is better then a warm...
Frosted Eggnog Spice Bars will convert eggnog haters into eggnog lovers. Filled with rum and...
A dark and stormy is a classic cocktail made with dark rum and ginger beer. The cocktail was...