During Lent, fish fries pop up in church parking lots, local schools and favorite restaurants...
Like many Latin American diets, rice and beans (or feijão) are the foundation of Brazilian cuisine...
Leche de Tigre (or Tiger's Milk) is a Peruvian citrus-based marinade used for curing fish and...
Empanadas are a popular dish in many Central and South American countries during Christmas time....
Beef empanadas are one of Argentina's most treasured foods. Lean ground beef is richly...
Peruvian cuisine is known for their bold flavors and exotic ingredients. Plates of lomo...
Chocolate alfajores are a melt-in-your mouth cookie. This Argentinean staple combines a...
Grilled pork tenderloin with chimichurri from A Spicy Perspective is a meal dad won't soon...
Scattered along Brazil's sunny beaches are small stalls that make fresh fruit juice and the...
Cinco de Mayo is as much about the cocktails as it is about the food. This South American...
A pisco sour is a traditional Peruvian cocktail. Pisco, similar to rum, pairs deliciously...
This recipe is based on one found in the Moosewood Cookbook with some of our own adjustments made...
Some of my favorite desserts are from Latin America. I love the use of cinnamon and sweet...
Ajiaco or Colombian corn, chicken, and potato stew is a hearty and comforting dish that is full of...
Argentinian dulce de leche cookies or alfajores are a delicate butter cookies sandwiched together...
Ceviche (or seviche) is a traditional South American dish where fresh fish is marinated instead of...
This is a popular recipe in Columbia during the holidays. The Spanish make a version as well with...
Variations: This can be used as a bean dip with chips, or mashed for refried beans. To roast...
Add a pinch of cayenne pepper for a slight touch of spice.