Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with something a bit more uppity than a simple brew. Reed's...
Apricot and walnut soda bread is a sweeter version of this classic Irish recipe. This quick...
This oatmeal Irish soda bread with apricots and walnuts makes for the perfect afternoon treat with...
Shamrock flatbread is a fun recipe to prepare for St. Patrick's Day. This flatbread only...
The green intensity cocktail from STK, an international steakhouse, is the perfect drink to...
Aren't these the most Beautiful Rainbow Shamrock Cupcakes? From a great new cooking channel...
Buttercream Blondie has created another rockin' shamrock cookie recipe: Bailey's salted...
No dish better represents St. Patrick's Day like corned beef and cabbage. This slow...
Bailey's ice cream cake from Beyond Frosting is a no-bake frozen dessert. This simple ice...
Shepherd's pie, also known as cottage pie, is an Irish classic. A thick and rich lamb stew is...
Mint chocolate Rice Krispy Treats from Neighbor Food are an easy St. Patrick's Day...
A classic St. Patrick's Day meal, Lamb Stew is truly a decadent treat. We think your family...
Perhaps the quintessential drink for your Irish celebration, you can now make your own...
Pot of Gold cake pops are a lucky St. Patrick's Day treat. Cake crumbs (of any flavor)...
A creative twist for a St. Patrick's Day treat, check out these cool macaroons, made especially...
If you have had enough of the candy coins and leprechauns, how about trying a grown up dessert for...
No matter how hard we try, there are just some foods that are too delicious to resist. McDonald...
Recently I had the honor of traveling to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont to taste Barr Hill Gin at...
These leprechaun hat cupcakes bring the luck of the Irish to your kitchen. This festive St....
These Guinness cupcakes with Irish cream frosting from Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio is a St....