The British have been mixing up this refreshingly light and tasty beer and citrus juice beverage...
No-bake potato cookies from Bake at 350 are an easy treat for St. Patrick's Day. Chopped...
No St. Patrick's Day table is complete without Corned Beef and Cabbage. One of my favorite side...
Chef Mark Dowling from created this tasty boozy peanut brittle recipe for St....
This hearty, rich stew is covered with crisp buttery pastry which crumbles when you dip your spoon...
Bailey's mousse pie from Erica's Sweet Tooth is an Irish inspired dessert. An Oreo...
Guinness pretzel truffles from Sprinkles Bakes are a bite sized St. Patrick's Day candy. ...
These candy filled leprechaun hats are a festive St. Patrick's Day treat. Green molding...
St. Paddy's Day push pops are a festive green dessert. Layers of green tea ice cream are...
Instead of your traditional Irish car bomb, sip on this classy kiss me I'm Irish cocktail....
Irish Eyes are Smiling is a celebratory cocktail for St. Patrick's Day. Light and...
If you're not a fan of green beer try this St. Patrick's Day twist on the mint julep. The...
Bring the taste of good Irish pub food to your home! James Beard award-winning chef David Burke...
Decorate your St. Patty's Day cupcakes with these easy to make fondant shamrocks. They will add...
This kicked up version of the traditional Irish dish is made with Turkey and topped with a light...
Shamrock pudding shots from That's So Michelle are an easy St. Patty's Day dessert. ...
March brings leprechauns, rainbows, and a myriad of green desserts. These minty cupcakes...
Rum-soaked raisins, fresh rosemary, yogurt and honey make this soda bread recipe simply addicting!...
Irish cream hot fudge cupcakes from Sprinkles Bakes is the perfect St. Patrick's Day...
How about these rainbow cupcakes, decorated for St. Patty's Day? We love them!!