A whole spiced roasted cauliflower with spicy lentils, this would make the perfect centre piece at...
Classic Gazpacho with Spicy Grilled Shrimp - a perfectly healthy and delicious end-of-summer meal!...
This delicious vegan meatball sub uses mushrooms as a base for a hearty, satisfying sandwich....
Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Quinoa Tabbouleh. Healthy and totally vegan, these baked sweet potatoes...
Tomato week is in full swing celebrating all the deliciousness that this vegetable (that's...
Spring is here and we are very fortunate to have such a vast selection of fresh fruits and...
Spring is here and we are very fortunate to have such a vast selection of fresh fruits and...
Slow cooked Bolognese sauce is the Grandfather of all Italian Sauces. Your time will be well...
It's fun, it's tasty, and it's healthy! Let's celebrate the festive season...
Pico de gallo is a raw salsa known as a salsa fresca, or “fresh salsa,” in Spanish. It...
Velvety, vibrant soup. Make a big batch and enjoy the leftovers all week long....
Summer brings many culinary delights. For me, one of the highlights is the beautiful and bold...
This caprese quesadilla stuffed with mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil is the perfect way to spice up...
French bread caprese pizza is a quick and easy meal that celebrates the coming of summer. ...
This cousin to the well-known gazpacho is thicker and makes for a fresh, light yet satisfying...
Have you ever tried Ivorian food? Give it a taste with this simple and delicious chicken stew
A super easy fresh tomato galette, a perfect summer dish
A simple, yet delicious and warming tomato soup. It only requires a few stable ingredients, 2...
Creamy Spinach Cheese Tortellini is a wonderful recipe to serve to children and adults. No one...
A simple Greek lentil soup with only one direction to follow. Seriously!