Russell Simmons has spoken out in favor of New York City's impending soda ban, adding that milk should be banned as well. Simmons wrote a letter to NYC's healthy commissioner, Dr. Thomas Farley, on behalf of PETA to say that the ban should also include dairy products.
"A 2005 nationwide study led by a Harvard Medical School researcher showed that children who drank more than three 8-ounce servings of cow's milk per day were 35 percent more likely to become overweight than kids who drank only one or two servings (or a maximum of 16 ounces) per day," Simmons wrote. "The study also found that replacing soda with cow's milk, which is loaded with artery clogging cholesterol, provided no weight-loss benefit -- none. In light of this information, my friends at PETA and I urge you to include cow's milk and other dairy-based drinks in your proposed beverage regulations."
What do you think of New York City's soda ban? Do you think dairy should be included in the ban?
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June 27, 2012
We absolutely support Bloomberg's proposed band on over-sized sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, etc. SUGAR IS THIS DECADES TOBACCO and we need to take a stand. MODERATION is the key to everything in life, but if you don't believe this, look around -- MAJORITY of people are overweight!!
We just launched a THUMBS DOWN to SODA! campaign, would love EVERYONE to participate. http://energyup.org/blog/blog2/224-thumbs-down-for-soda #choose2besugarfree
Check us out at
June 28, 2012
WOW...whats next? a fcking curfew?
June 30, 2012
I absolutely agree with Russell and applaud him for making this statement.
Guess what? Cow's milk is a hormonal-delivery system; it's the perfect food for baby cows ONLY. It has no place in the human diet, since the milk is intended for the newborn calf--NOT human consumers. It contains casomorphin—nature's own opiate—to keep calves from rejecting their mothers' milk.
Humans pervert this by concentrating the milk ten times into cheese. Have you ever seen a person tell you "I just love cheeeese..." and get the look of a junkie while they're saying it?
Milk is NOT a natural--except for calves.