Brine Pickles
2 tablespoons Salt
1 tablespoon Szechwan peppercorns
2 smalls dried red chili peppers
1/2 cup Boiling water
3 1/2 cups Cold water
4 slc fresh ginger
1 tablespoon Dry sherry
4 cups Total of the following in bite-size pieces:
Broccoli stems
In a mixing bowl, combine the salt, peppercorns, chile peppers and boiling water, and stir until the salt dissolves. Stir in the cold water, fresh ginger, and vodka or sherry. Put the vegetables of your choice into a Chinese pickling jar or 2-quart glass jar. If using a Chinese pickling jar, seal with water according to the instructions. If using a regular glass jar, simply cover with plastic wrap. Do not wrap tightly as gas must escape. Allow the pickles to sit, unrefr
Makes: 1 qt
1.0 servings
Saturday, December 12, 2009 - 1:14am