This rich, rustic and flavorful Spanish recipe combines the bold and fresh flavors of olives with...
This is easy appetizer can be prepared in a flash and it makes for a gorgeous presentation! Simply...
This elegant and easy appetizer takes just minutes to make and your guests will love it! It's...
In celebration of National Deviled Eggs Day, whip up a dozen or two of these scrumptious crab-...
Even though the Halloween festivities have come to a close, Nov. 1st marks the beginning of the...
Candy corn cookies from Bake at 350 are a cute Halloween sweet. Triangular sugar cookies are...
This Halloween cake roll is a spooktacular dessert. While the recipe suggests spreading the...
These candy eyeballs are a gruesome Halloween treat. Each eyeball is filled with a "bloody...
Pumpkin mummy cookies from Life Made Sweet are a delectable Halloween treat. Premade pie...
Brown sugar and spice cookies are perfect for holiday baking. This recipe for cut-out cookies...
Those big bags of mixed candy are nice for the trick-or-treaters but it's fun to have something...
Vegan pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from Running with Spoons are almost a guilt-free dessert....
Chocolate martini fans will love this dark chocolate raspberry vodka cocktail. It's vibrant red...
This perfect-for-fall rum cocktail recipe is like a spiced apple pie in a glass! Spiced rum is...
Spiced ghost pancakes from Taste and Tell are a ghoulishly good breakfast. Baking mix is...
Brain cupcakes are not for the faint of heart. These creepy cupcakes are perfect for serving during...
Boo Berry cupcakes are a seasonal Halloween sweet from Mrs. Schwartz's Kitchen. This...
If you are throwing a Halloween party, the wake the dead cocktail is guaranteed to wake your guests...
The raspberry jolly rancher is the adult version of candy on Halloween. This sinfully sweet...
Candy corn piñata cookies Becca Bakes contain a sweet surprise. These triangular sugar...