For a delicious twist on the classic latkes try this tasty pear and sweet potato version. They'...
This delicious gravy gets its wonderful depth of flavor from roasted garlic and parsnips. It's...
Brussels sprouts are a holiday favorite, but we love them year-round! Try this delicious recipe...
This easy bread pudding recipe will help ease the stress of all the holiday cooking! It's a...
Tahini, garlic and lemon juice are the traditional flavors of hummus, but this hummus recipe gets a...
Still looking for a last minute holiday side dish recipe? Guests will love digging into this...
This twist on the holiday classic green bean casserole is surely one the kids will go wild for! A...
This easy no-cook cranberry relish recipe can be whipped up in seconds in a food processor. Three...
In celebration of the holidays and to show our appreciation of Foodista readers, we are giving away...
Casserole side dishes are the best way to balance out traditionally meat-heavy Thanksgiving meals,...
Here in Seattle we're passionate about our local seafood, and to us, oysters are at the top of...
What kind of gravy lover are you? Do you spoon it only over your turkey or just on the stuffing? Or...
Bring out the muffin tin and bake up some of these adorable Pancetta and Sage Stuffing Muffins from...
Pumpkin, apple and pecan pies represent the Holy Trinity of Thanksgiving desserts, but this year we...
This beautiful savory and sweet side dish will make a statement on any dinner table! Little acorn...
Who doesn't love a good old fashioned green bean casserole? It's a dish that's great...
Thanksgivukkah is upon us and we're delighting in the delicious recipes that bring together...
Sous vide may sound fancy but it's a simple way to cook foods to perfection. All that's...
Some call it stuffing, others dressing. This traditional dish is a staple on nearly every...
Kentucky bourbon gets a kiss from the Green Fairy in this tasty cocktail recipe featuring absinthe...