Before sending the little goblins off trick-or-treating fill their bellies with a fun, hearty and...
My Cupcake Addiction has transformed cute and cuddly Hello Kitty into a zombie for Halloween....
Looking for the perfect side dish recipe for your holiday menu? This one is the perfect combination...
Making your own pumpkin spice blend is the best way to get the maximum flavor for your pumpkin...
Stuffed skull pizzas from Hungry Happenings are a haunting Halloween dish. Pre-made pizza...
Spider web pizza is a spooktacular dessert. Pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough is rolled...
The goblin's blood cocktail is to die for. Simple and to the point, this drink only has...
Black quinoa stuffed squash coffins are an unspooky Halloween dish. No need to worry about...
Not everything in your Halloween kitchen has to be scary. These sweet and tasty treats are...
Decorating ghost cupcakes are a festive sweet for Halloween. To make the ghosts, you can make...
Gumdrop ghosts from Hungry Happenings is a ghoulish Halloween treat. This homemade candy is...
Frankenstein cake pops will get you and your family in the Halloween spirit. These festive treats...
These darling candy corn inspired, rice krispie treats, are a great way to show that Halloween isn...
Mummified crescent dogs are an easy Halloween inspired meal. Buttery Pillsbury crescent rolls...
Cobweb cookies from Very Culinary are a creepy Halloween treat. These free formed cookies are...
Monster sandwich cookies from Craving Cobbler are a fun Halloween treat. Chocolate chip...
This bread combines a soft, Challa style with winter squash, resulting in a golden, rich bread that...
How can you not want to make Jello Brains? Even without children, it is such a fun Halloween treat...
These spider cookies from Hungry Happenings are an easy Halloween treat. The beauty of this...
Chef Joël Robuchon has the most Michelin stars in the world so it's no wonder he makes a mean...