Quinoa stuffed acorn squash with goat cheese and cranberries is a filled with fall flavors. This...
Hummus is a versatile dish that can be transformed into a million flavors just with the addition of...
Black quinoa stuffed squash coffins are an unspooky Halloween dish. No need to worry about...
Roasted pears with blue cheese and cranberries from Angel Loves Cooking is a seasonal side dish....
Baked potatoes with mushroom ragout from The Crumb Blog is a new twist on this classic side...
Risotto, a classic creamy Italian rice dish, is made easy in the oven instead of the stove top....
Maple roasted root vegetables are an easy vegetarian dish. Root vegetables contain natural...
Asian noodle salad in a jar from Foxes Love Lemons will add some pizzazz to your workweek lunches....
Stuffed southwestern sweet potatoes from The Adventures of MJ and Hungryman are a tasty way to...
These bold beet burgers are on of the best veggie patties out there. Pile these burgers high with...
Vegan red pepper and corn soup from Averie Cooks is full of flavor. Even though this soup is...
Spiced pumpkin soup from Mirch Masala is a comforting meal for fall. Tender roasted pumpkin...
Cheddar cheese and apples are a classic flavor combination whether in a panini or pie. ...
Green bean casserole is a favorite holiday side dish. This gluten-free version allows everyone to...
Curry pumpkin fritters from Dunkin Cooking the Semi-Homemade Way are a sweet and spicy appetizer....
Chef Yotam Ottolenghi is known for his simple yet inspiring Mediterranean cuisine. In his...
Slow cooker spinach lasagna is an easy vegetarian meal. To create this Italian casserole,...
Kale Caesar salad from Crunchy Gooey is a healthy twist on this favorite recipe. Kale does...
Chicken and pumpkin enchiladas from How Crazy Cooks are a favorite fall meal. Pumpkin puree...
When it comes to pumpkins, think outside the crust. Check out these 5 recipes from the Foodista...