Winter brings hearty root vegetables, rugged leafy greens and tart fruits to the table. This...
This is the easiest vegetable pot pie recipe you'll ever make. Canned cream soup and vegetables...
Vegan risotto primavera from Amuse Your Bouche is a delicious and healthy meal. ...
A rich creamy casserole that speaks volumes of love. It's quick and easy to put together too....
Kale baked eggs is a healthy way to start the day. Rich in vitamin K, Vitamin A, protein...
Borscht is a Ukrainian staple, and even though this version is vegan, it's still...
Garlic French fries are delicious with just about anything. Instead of traditional deep...
Vietnamese salad bowls from GI365 are a fresh and easy meal. Plain white rice is topped with...
French onion soup is comfort in a bowl. Several pounds of onions are cooked low and slow...
Scalloped sweet potatoes are a twist on this delicious comfort food. Any dish that is sweet,...
Not all finger foods have to be fattening. Baked zucchini is so delicious and still keeps all...
Spring will be making an appearance soon and this spring onion and asparagus frittata celebrates...
Most of the time we tend to think of old fashioned recipes in a nostalgic light. Grandma’s...
Broccoli cheese soup is a family favorite and made even easier in the slow cooker. The...
Minestrone soup is a healthy and hearty vegetarian dish. The beauty of minestrone soup is...
Even though basil is not in season, you can still make pesto from a variety of winter vegetables....
Vegan sloppy Joes are a healthier version on this favorite American dish. Instead of using...
Enjoy this savory and incredibly flavorful Okonomiyaki on Chopsticks. Called Hashimaki, this is a...
Potatoes are a staple in most households. Once you've reached your limit on mashed...
Pasta with greens and mushrooms is a perfect way to use winter vegetables. You can use any...