Note: to freeze tofu, place in plastic bag, seal, and freeze for a minimum of 48 hours before...
Hint: It helps to roll out 4-5 puris at a time and then fry them at one time. Remember to turn the...
Farmer cheese, ricotta, goat cheese or cottage cheese work well in this sandwich.
South Indian meals consist of several courses. At the end of meal "Rasam" is served. It helps...
1 cup peanuts or toasted almonds is great additions; add just before serving. Can also sprinkle...
Ginger Tofu may be served with or without the sauce. With the sauce, serve it over a bed of rice,...
I prefer a sauce-like dish with recognizable pumpkin cubes in it, but lots of people like it as a...
Paht Thai is a noodle dish almost everyone seems to like. A tangle of slender rice noodles is...
A traditional Japanese hot tofu dish. You can also try making this with dashi sauce. You just...