Vanilla buttercream will turn any cake (or cupcake) from ordinary to extraordinary. This luscious...
Coffee crunch cake from Treats is a crazy good dessert. This lemon vanilla layer cake is...
If you have a hankering for something sweet but are short on time, this 5 minute chocolate mug cake...
Christina Tosi is the queen of using leftovers in her recipes. Known for heading Momofuku's...
This is the coolest game cake. It looks just like a chessboard. We love it!
Strawberry upside cake is a gluten-free and vegan dessert. A variety of gluten-free flours...
This fun Monopoly cake from CakeWalker is a sweet representation of this classic board game. ...
Some say this cake got its name from the humming sound you make with each delicious bite. This...
A lovely gluten free/vegan way to enjoy some seasonal strawberries
This is truly the best carrot cake recipe! The rum-soaked raisins and orange zest in the frosting...
This cake recipe is simple and delicious. I used the creaming method for this which works very well...
A simple & delicious bundt cake bursting with lemon flavor.
Every gamer has a soft spot for the classics like Super Mario. These Super Mario mushroom cake pops...
March is a busily-baking month for me. There are 2 birthdays, 4 name days in the family, (yes , we...
I need some comfort food, when I'm nervous, so this pie was one of them. :) It was really...
Beet Cake is moist and soft cake with all the goodness of beets minus the flavour and colour. Beet...
This beautiful teal and yellow macaron from Sweetapolita is a sweet way to celebrate National...
This gluten-free orange almond cake from Buttercream Lane is an Easter worthy dessert. The...
Fragrant, tender and delicious cake drizzled with sour-sweet lemon icing.