I made this recipe by chance. I needed to prepare something easy and quick for lunch, but I had...
This was originally a vegetarian recipe, but if you use meat, onions, peppers, etc., pre-cook them...
Using fun pasta shapes makes this pasta salad easy to pack into small containers or shallow...
This baked ziti makes a nutritionally-balanced meal in itself. Those with heartier appetites might...
Gnocchi, a type of potato dumpling are often served with a simple red sauce or baked with a bit of...
This recipe is for 24 servings (about 2 1/2 by 4 inches). Directions are given for dividing the...
The recipe for the Pesto Sauce makes enough for 4 servings when used as a pasta sauce, which by...
Nine oven-ready lasagna noodles can be substituted for the uncooked noodles.
This satisfying casserole has it all-protein, carbohydrates, a leafy green vegetable and tons of...
Sauce an be prepared 3 days ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to simmer before tossing with...