As Americans, peanut butter is a must-have in our pantry. We use it in candy, a myriad of...
This is an old internet recipe, that I have used for over 15 years. It is fantastic and easy, all...
When "Xocai Healthy Chocolate X Power Squares" are added to this deliciously chewy...
These decadently nutty cookies are a snap to put together. They're the perfect remedy to even...
White cake mix with some additions such as peanut butter, vanilla & of course peanut butter...
Don't call this pudding a mere dessert; it's also a healthy anytime snack. This decadent...
As the Occupy Wall Street (and more than 70 other locations across the country) protests enter...
Sweet and peanuty, this has become my new favorite power smoothie! Packed with protein, it's...
Whip these up on the weekend, and wrap them individually. Then the kids can grab one as an after...
Football season is here and that means only one thing...tailgating. Here are a five classic...
There's nothing better than chocolate, right? Wrong. Try: Water balloons. In the kitchen. With...
Any pie can be made in a jar whether it's a fruit pie, cream pie, or custard. These...
This monkey cake from Tast-e is perfect for anyone who is an animal lover. The base is...
This Xolog resembles a Pecan log- but it is loaded with delicious rich dark chocolate! Sure to be a...
Back to school is just around the corner. I bet that your kids would love a homemade treat...
What could be better than chocolate....CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER!! Dip your favorite fruits and...
Too hot to bake? No problem! Here are 5 simply delicious no-bake desserts that are gluten free and...
Memphis, Tennessee is celebrating the King this week. It is well known that Elvis'...