Our Dear Readers, We're thrilled to announce that the Foodista blog is moving to much greener pastures! With ten new editors, we're focusing on a range of new categories sure to inspire, entertain, and inform you! And, we hope to make you drool a bit too. Here's a glimpse of our glamorous new look (there's even more!):
In each new category you'll find news, information, and recipes in these popular subjects (and more!):
Recipes & Cooking Quick & Easy, BBQ & American, Chinese & Asian, Italian & European, Mexican & Latin, Drinks, Desserts & Baking
Food News Celebrity, Funny & Weird, Seasonal & Sustainable, Companies & Brands, Politics & Safety, Coupons
Holidays & Events Current Holidays & Events, Easter & Passover, Halloween & Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years
Health & Nutrition Gluten Free & Food Allergies, Vegetarian & Vegan, Diets & Weight Loss, Diabetes & Diabetic
For those of you interested in the technical side of life, we're transitioning from Wordpress software to Drupal.
Image Sources:
May 13, 2011
Can't wait to get started! Looks gorgeous :)
May 13, 2011