The Foodista Blog is Moving!

May 13, 2011

Our Dear Readers, We're thrilled to announce that the Foodista blog is moving to much greener pastures! With ten new editors, we're focusing on a range of new categories sure to inspire, entertain, and inform you! And, we hope to make you drool a bit too. Here's a glimpse of our glamorous new look (there's even more!): foodista blog

In each new category you'll find news, information, and recipes in these popular subjects (and more!):

Recipes & Cooking Quick & Easy, BBQ & American, Chinese & Asian, Italian & European, Mexican & Latin, Drinks, Desserts & Baking

Food News Celebrity, Funny & Weird, Seasonal & Sustainable, Companies & Brands, Politics & Safety, Coupons

Holidays & Events Current Holidays & Events, Easter & Passover, Halloween & Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years

Health & Nutrition Gluten Free & Food Allergies, Vegetarian & Vegan, Diets & Weight Loss, Diabetes & Diabetic


For those of you interested in the technical side of life, we're transitioning from Wordpress software to Drupal.

Image Sources:



Anonymous's picture

Can't wait to get started! Looks gorgeous :)

Barnaby Dorfman's picture
