August 13, 2011

Mayonnaise made with coconut oil....GENIUS! Most store bought mayo is made with processed oils, and even the healthier brands don't always taste that great.
Thanks, gfreal food, for this nutrient dense recipe which really takes mayo to the next level of health and taste
Coconut Oil Mayo
Juice of half a lemon, no pulp, about 2 T
1 whole egg room temperature*
2 egg yolks, room temperature*
1/2 t sea salt
3/4 cup melted expeller pressed coconut oil (this should be at or just above room temperature – not hot)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 T whey (optional)
For the rest of the recipe, click here.
Image Sources:
August 14, 2011
The link doesn't seem to work. :)
August 14, 2011
I just tried it and it works. Try it again and let me know.