Key lime pie from Hummingbird High is a killer dessert. This classic American pie is...
An updated version of a classic, frugal dessert; Peanut Butter and Jelly Bread Pudding, makes an...
You haven't lived until you've had a bite of Nutella and toasted marshmallow ice cream...
These Peanut Butter Cup S'moero Bars are guaranteed to have you salivate instantly. The bars...
Fruit and nut granola bars from The Knitty Baker are a scrumptious homemade snack. The best...
Starbucks has begun testing a new flavor to add to its roster of delicious espresso-based drinks....
Chocolate coffee toffee party mix is a homemade snack that is absolutely addicting. This...
Kris of has managed to create a healthier twist with her fruit tacos...
The newest addition to the Girl Scout family is a classic cookie style, with an unusual flavor with...
Nurse and amateur baker, Judy Cakes of Naples, Florida has managed to create a brew-infused puff...
Bacon chocolate stout cheesecake from Tide and Thyme is an incredible dessert. If you love...
For this Valentine's Day, woo your sweetheart with How Sweet It Is' Chocolate Covered...
The personalized baker necklace from Charm Accents is a sweet accessory. Each necklace...
These red velvet twinks are chock-filled with a delectable delicious cream cheese frosting. The...
Gluten-free pear, pecorino, and chard tart from So Let's Hang Out is a gourmet dish. ...
Fig and gorgonzola tarts are a simple recipe that anyone can make. These tarts only require...
These Death Star lollipops, made by Designer Lollipop, will easily explode your taste buds....
As the Super Bowl fastly approaches, parties are beginning to become planned and more importantly,...
Birthday cake crumb ice cream from The Sweet Life is an amazing frozen dessert. Ice cream is...
Gluten-free brownies from Cooking Gluten-Free are the answer to your chocolate craving. The...