Glazed toffee bon bons from Taste and Tell is a must-bake Christmas cookie. Sugar cookies are...
Overstuffed Nutters are a nostalgic cookie that everyone will love. This recipe comes from...
Baking Out Loud by Hedy Goldsmith encourages home bakers to get into the kitchen and be adventurous...
Peppermint Snow Peaks are a snowy treat. Made by Macheesmo blogger Nick, the minty mounds are a...
Master mixologist Bayardo De Murguia from Wood & Vine in Los Angeles loves making his signature...
Gingerbread loaf with lemon glaze from Pinch of Yum is a must bake holiday bread. This quick...
Foodista user Jessica Glick from Jessica's Gluten Dairy Free Kitchen shares one of her...
These cute reindeer cookies from Splash of Something can be made with your favorite cookie dough....
Vanilla coconut granola from Health, Love, and Chocolate is a tasty breakfast that anyone would...
Gluten-free samoas from the Minimalist Baker are an indulgent cookie. Almond meal substitutes...
There are a hundred recipes for chocolate turtles and this one is especially easy. The...
Rum balls are a classic Christmas time treat. This candy is so simple to make and so popular...
In the early 1900s, Mrs. Smith began baking cobblers and pies out of her Pennsylvania kitchen,...
Oatmeal cranberry cinnamon cookies in a jar are an easy gift to make for your foodie friends....
Vegan chocolate caramel cups from The Road Not Processed are a decadent treat for the loved ones in...
Edible gingerbread house ornaments from Craftstorming is a fun foodie project. The advantage...
Having just moved to America from Ireland, I’m learning new things every day. Ground almonds...
Bacon Pixie Sticks are tubes filled with sugary swine. The treats, who placed 4th in the 2012 SF...
Rainbow Peppermint Patties are a mystical treat. The brightly colored patty is filled with a series...
Panettone bread pudding is an easy holiday dessert. This traditional Italian egg bread...