This rose umbre cake from B's in the Kitchen is an absolutely stunning dessert. The...
These Grinch Cake Pops from Sweet Whimsy Shop are the perfect treat to fill up on this...
If you a looking for a last minute gift, matzoh brittle is an easy, inexpensive and delicious...
Ornament sugar cookies from Delectably Mine are a decorative sweet. Each soft sugar cookie is...
These Peppermint Hot Chocolate Gourmet Lollipops by BOSS Girls Inc. are a rich treat for the...
Cappuccino Eggnog Angel Food Cupcakes are a light treat. Made by Stef of Cupcake Project, the cake...
Margarita Cake Pops are a boozy confection. Made by Baked with Love and Butter, the liquor-filled...
Bakerella's Frosty the Snowman Cake Pops are an iconic confection. Topped with a Reese's...
Single Malt Golden Chocolate Lollipops from Zukr are a gilded treat. The 22 karat gold leafed...
The Daily Cookie by Anna Ginsberg offers 365 delightful cookie recipes, one for every day of the...
Create an edible winter wonderland scene with these cute Nutter Butter penguins from Hungry...
Cap'n Crunch Cupcakes from The Baking Robot let's you enjoy dessert for...
The perfect Christmas dessert, this peppermint mousse is a flavorful end to a rich meal. ...
For a classic gift, make some of these delicious Candied Spiced Pecans. Everyone will love the...
Gluten-free and vegan ginger cookies from Jessica's Gluten Dairy Free Kitchen are a sweet treat...
Gingerbread houses are everywhere during the holidays but have you ever seen one cradle your mug?...
Talented baker, Curtis Jensen, erects an exact replica of the Yorkshire country estate as seen in...
Overrun by holiday candy? Brooklyn baking duo Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito of Baked NYC make...
Eggnog Cinnamon Chip Scones from Erica's Sweet Tooth are a star-shaped treat. The scones are...
These stained glass Christmas cookies are a delicious way to trim the tree. The cookies are pressed...