These Dark Chocolate Chunk Clementine Muffins are a delicious citrus treat, made by Erica of...
Caramel Coated Cheetos are a sweet cheesy snack. Instructables user Pueo, who adapted the recipe...
Butterscotch cheesecake bars from Little B. Cooks is a must-try treat. This is not...
These Anatomical Macarons and Cookies from Miss Insomnia Tulip are a bloody good treat. The...
The Raw Turkey Cake from Sarah Hardy Cakes in London is a deceiving dessert. The outside...
If you are watching your waistline, these honey baked apples from Helen's Cooking will...
Rocky road chocolate bars from Diethood are an easy sweet treat. Chocolate chips are melted...
Jennifer of Not Your Momma's Cookie has managed to yet again create amazing pop culture edibles...
Hazelnut cocoa spread company, Nutella, has hopefully taken notice of a Facebook group entitled,...
These Football Whoopie Pies are the perfect sweet for your Superbowl Party. Make Merry Events...
During chilly winter nights, sip on this delicious vegan hot chocolate. Nothing warms a...
Enjoy these delicious, crispy ginger cookies that are gluten free, egg free and dairy free. Even...
The Jelly Shot Gummy Fish Bowl by tablespoon's tbspsusan is a splashing unique way to...
These American Horror Story Cookies will easily haunt your taste buds. Made by Jennifer, of...
Made by Jennifer of Not Your Momma's Cookie, these Royal Baby Ultrasound Cookies are an...
After celebrating New Year's, there is surely bottles of champagne (or sparkling wine) still...
These bellini cookies are an awesome treat to make with your leftover Prosecco from New Year...
New Year's Eve is the perfect opportunity to create an impressive dessert for the table. This...
Jell-O strawberry parfaits from Grateful Heart Thankful Prayer are a celebratory treat. This...
Jasmin from 1 Fine Cookie has yet again brought festive flavor with her Boozy Eggnog Marshmallows....