Beans and soup were made for each other. Beans love being cooked low and slow and absorb all...
You cannot have an authentic Mexican meal without a side of refried beans. When done right,...
Black eyed peas are a staple in American Southern cuisine. Referred to simply as "peas,...
Cranberry, black, pinto, kidney, broad, speckled - at first glance you might think I am talking...
Easy Baked Bean Recipe that is PERFECT for your summer cookout. Simple with only a few ingredients...
Cinco de Mayo falls on a Tuesday this year so if you already have a full schedule, slow...
10 minutes is literally all you need to make this bean stew - making this the perfect dish for a...
The Best Quinoa Minestrone - A hearty and healthy soup filled with quinoa, pesto, white wine, tons...
If you are a novice cook, soups are a great way to boost your confidence in the kitchen. They...
The best way to describe a tostada is as an open faced taco. A crispy tortilla is loaded with...
Quick and easy Italian turkey soup is a heartwarming meal that comes together any night of the week...
Hearty winter vegetable and bean soup is a delicious way to get an extra serving of vegetables in...
Slow cooker sweet potato chili is an easy yet satisfying meal. This chili is on the lighter...
Pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans) is the Italian version of chili mac. Small circular...
Minestrone is a soup that changes with the seasons. While summer minestrone may have slices...
Butternut squash and black bean chili is meat-free meal that even carnivores will love. This...
Since Indian cuisine is primarily a plant based diet, lentils are a key source of protein....
A vegetarian taco encompasses a large category that could a dish as simple as a corn tortillas...
Necessity is the mother of invention. That’s what they say isn’t it? Well, whatever it is they...