The beans are white, the greens are spinach...and the dish is delicious (and ready in 30 minutes)!
Black eyed peas are a staple in Southern cooking but they are usually cooked with pork products....
Quick and easy baked beans are a simple side dish for any occasion. Sometimes you just don...
Chile pie with green chile and cheddar cornbread crust is one dynamite dish. The...
It took a long time for me to understand that just because a recipe is simple, doesn’t mean...
These chipotle and white bean burritos are a vegan and gluten-free dish. Pureed pumpkin is paired...
Black beans are a delicious and frugal way to add more protein to your family's diet. They...
This is great served as a side, topped over rice or noodles or even over a beautiful salad. With...
Brownie Batter Dip you can feel good about eating!
Vegan red velvet brownies are a healthy and low fat treat. The base of the batter is red...
Texas is a spicy Southwestern salad is the perfect dish to serve at your Super Bowl party....
Healthy, vegan, low fat and gluten free red velvet brownies. The perfect fudgy treat for anyone...
These five Super Bowl snacks are a must-have at any game day party. In my opinion, the Super...
Hearty Beans Hawaiian made with a teriyaki sauce base, fresh pineapple and ham
Possibly the easiest salad in the world, this incredibly healthy combination of iron loving lentils...
Pasta and beans (pasta e fagioli) is a simple comforting meal that will help you recuperate after...
If you ask most people what is on their Thanksgiving table, chances are that green bean casserole...