Let your kitchen fill with the aromas of this classic beef barley soup. Thick chunks of super...
Bust out the crockpot on holidays, too, with this easy slow cooker cranberry sauce recipe. It's...
I chose to make this in my crock pot because it seemed easier than using a big pot on the stove....
Yes, you can cook pasta in a slow cooker and you don't need to cook the noodles first! That...
Wow your family or dinner guests with this rich and delicious beef stew with dumplings dish from...
Our faithful slow cooker has officially made its home on the kitchen counter. I love to cook, but...
Really, whats not to love about the slow cooker, just about anything that goes in comes out yummy!...
Pasta e Fagioli simply means pasta and beans. This soup is really easy to make and is packed with...
I feel very fortunate to have grown up in the southwest Mexican foods like refried beans were in...
Every year, we cooks tend to make our lists for the Thanksgiving feast. Some of us make precise...
This slideshow features the top 10 Foodista posts of February 2012. This month was dominated by...
Nothing beats a fat barbecue sandwich that is virtually no work. The chicken is moist and juicy,...
I love stuffing. It may be that I love the carb load, but I would like to think that it is because...
I admit, the word quick refers to how fast it is to put together. This meatloaf still needs all day...
It's officially chili season! One of my favorite comfort foods, this quick and easy stew is...
I love a good soup. Who doesn't?! In the Summer, I'm always whipping up batches of chilled...
Coffee is one of my favorite foods and flavors. From chocolate covered beans to a steaming cup of...
One of autumn and winter's most comforting meals, beef stew can be as simple or complex as you...