Season with a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon. Makes a great dessert for those allergic to dairy;...
Serve this savory pudding in place of cornbread or mashed potatoes.
This is a creamy, rich and delicious pudding; recipe from Jo Anne Merrill.
This berry and white chocolate trifle is a winner in my house. Kids and adults adore this. By...
This is one of my recipes from - the online resource for soft foods and modified...
adapted from "The Old Farmer’s Almanac"
This leek bread pudding has hardly any butter in it, but don’t let that put you off (assuming you’...
This is my take on a Dominican dish called "majarete." It is a sweet corn pudding that becomes...
This is a creamy sweet fruit dish, great as a snack or dessert. Figs and walnuts are a wonderful...
I have a great love of chocolate. We seem to be drawn to each other, and there is no way I can...
A good meal is not complete without a good dessert. The Bread Pudding is a delicious homemade...