Shoshanna Levy

Shoshanna Levy, CNC is a certified holistic nutritionist who is on a mission to spread the word about the world-wide explosion of gluten sensitivity. Due to a childhood filled with a variety of chronic health issues, and a lack of understanding from her doctors, she looked for other solutions. By changing her diet, she learned that she is severely allergic to dairy and gluten, and this discovery was life-changing.

Once Shoshanna made the connection that making different dietary choices can transform your life, she knew that this had to be shared with as many people as possible! Shoshanna will take you on a journey BEYOND gluten free, BEYOND fad diets and quick fixes and into a realm of optimal energy, vitality and wellness! Through her classes, workshops, blog, and skype sessions Shoshanna shares her knowledge about the benefits of a SOUL (seasonal, organic, unrefined, local) diet and offers motivation and inspiration so that you can feel better than you have in years!

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Posts by Shoshanna Levy

May 7, 2011

GOOD Spring Recipe Contest

Here's a fun spring worthy recipe contest from the GOOD community. Submit your original spring inspired recipes using the seasons best ingredients. The recipes will be published with photos in a...

May 7, 2011

5 Simply Nourishing Tips

Choose meat/poultry/eggs that are pasture-raised-This goes beyond the term "free range" which may only mean that the animals went outside for a few minutes each day. Truly...

May 7, 2011

Gorgeous Gluten Free Brunch Cake for Mom

Even if your mom isn't gluten free, this nourishing and delicious cake is treat for all! There is a bit of sweetener in the form of  1/4 cup of molasses, which still has minerals and fiber in tact,...

May 6, 2011

Go Beyond Gluten Free

In honor of National Celiac Awareness month, it seems like the perfect time to mention the idea of going beyond a gluten free diet. As a holistic nutritionist, my specialty is gluten free living,...

May 6, 2011


Scientists in Japan have successfully created a pig with spinach genes! The idea is to make healthier pork. It's the first time mammals have been spliced with plant genes. The scientists removed...

May 6, 2011

5 Modern Twists on the Kentucky Derby

Sustainable Mint Julep- Filtered water, organic sugar**, farmers market mint. I would still suggest cutting the sugar in half, I know this may be considered julep blasphemy,  but it will still be...

May 6, 2011

For optimal health eat every color fruit and veggie, each one contains different phyto (plant) chemicals that are beneficial. Purple/Red- Color comes from chemicals called anthocyanins...

May 5, 2011

The Battle to Save Raw Milk is ON!

Grass-Fed on the Hill together with raw milk buying clubs across the US are holding a rally on May 16, 2011 in washington DC. For the past year and a half the FDA has been conducting undercover...

May 5, 2011

Tequila Inspiration for Cinco De Mayo

As you may already know, today is May 5th, this can only mean one thing Cinco de Mayo. Plenty of tacos and margaritas are going to get consumed. Here are a few ideas to add a twist to this...

May 5, 2011

Ultimate Fun Foodie Gift Guide For Mom

1. My Husband's Nuts- What mom wouldn't go nuts for this cheeky set of California almonds that comes in four flavors. Butter toffee, chili con lemon, natural smoke, adn onion garlic. Set of 4 $30.00...

May 5, 2011

The Real Cost of Girl Scout Cookies

Before you pick up your next package of Thin Mints think about this, for several years, environmentalists have been putting pressure on the Girl Scouts of America to stop using unsustainable palm...

May 4, 2011

6 Tips for Health Conscious Dining

1. Avoid chain restaurants- These eateries typically serve highly processed, genetically modified, and additive-laden food. 2. Sushi- Do they serve brown rice instead of white? Go for the rolls that...

May 4, 2011

Wheatless Wednesday- 6 Gluten Free Grains

For this addition of Wheatless Wednesday and in honor of Celiac Awareness Month, let's take a look at some of the many varieties of gluten free grains. Amaranth: Once a sacred food of the Aztecs,...

May 4, 2011

Cauliflower "Couscous" Recipe - Gluten Free

This delicious and easy to prepare recipe has the taste and feel of couscous, but is completely grain-free. Use purple or yellow cauliflower for a colorful dish packed with antioxidants. Cauliflower...

May 3, 2011

Mexican food

In anticipaion of Cinco De Mayo and with Mexican food being uber popular, it's the perfect time share some nutrient dense updartes on classic Mexi Favorites. All of these recipes are unique,...

May 3, 2011

Something's Fishy About Farmed Tilapia

Tilapia has become a very popular fish in the US and now it is even known as "aquatic chicken" because it's relatively bland and breeds easily. Another thing it has in common with chicken is that it...

May 3, 2011

5 Tips for Healthy and Sustainable Eating on a Budget

1. Hit up the bulk aisle at your local health food store. Buying in bulk not only reduces waste, but also can save plenty of cash. Many stores offer nuts, seeds, whole gluten-free grains, beans,...

May 3, 2011

Celebrate Hemp History Week!

Hemp is a superfood that has been harvested for over 10,000 years and definitely deserves its own weeklong celebration. Many U.S. farmers in the are pushing to get hemp it re-legalized, currently...

May 2, 2011

Skin Deep

Many people are now aware of the importance of eating a diet packed with whole foods and the risks associated with loading up on processed, additive-laden foods. Often, these same conscious...

May 2, 2011

8 Tips To Avoid Overeating

1.Use smaller plates, you will be amazed at how this works! 2. Serve the meal and then put all of the food away. 3. Ask for a separate plate at restaurants, put what you want to eat on the extra...

May 2, 2011

Brooklyn Farmyards

The sustainable food movement is booming here in Brooklyn. There are many markets, seasonal restaurants, and  foodie events. Now the BK Farmyards, started by Stacy Murphy in 2009, is turning...

May 2, 2011

Lunch Line Documentary

UJi Films has made an important new documentary called Lunch Line. It covers the history of the school lunch program and  follows six Chicago high school kids as they set out to fix school lunches...

May 1, 2011

4 Simple Tips to Improve Digestion

1. Chew your food, this seems basic enough, yet people often eat so fast that they forget to chew. Remember, your stomach doesn't have teeth and chewing food completely, gives your enzymes more...

May 1, 2011

Kicharee bottles

Kicharee is a traditional healing food of India. There are countless variations and it is typically used for periods of illness and for cleansing. It is a warm, nourishing comfort food. Since spring...

May 1, 2011

8 Ingredients to Avoid

Photo: Evelyn Proimos Addititive                            Purpose                        Possible Side-Effects Benzoates Preserve cake, Cereal, Salad Dressing, Candy, Margarine Allergies...
