Shoshanna Levy
Shoshanna Levy, CNC is a certified holistic nutritionist who is on a mission to spread the word about the world-wide explosion of gluten sensitivity. Due to a childhood filled with a variety of chronic health issues, and a lack of understanding from her doctors, she looked for other solutions. By changing her diet, she learned that she is severely allergic to dairy and gluten, and this discovery was life-changing.
Once Shoshanna made the connection that making different dietary choices can transform your life, she knew that this had to be shared with as many people as possible! Shoshanna will take you on a journey BEYOND gluten free, BEYOND fad diets and quick fixes and into a realm of optimal energy, vitality and wellness! Through her classes, workshops, blog, and skype sessions Shoshanna shares her knowledge about the benefits of a SOUL (seasonal, organic, unrefined, local) diet and offers motivation and inspiration so that you can feel better than you have in years!