Shoshanna Levy

Shoshanna Levy, CNC is a certified holistic nutritionist who is on a mission to spread the word about the world-wide explosion of gluten sensitivity. Due to a childhood filled with a variety of chronic health issues, and a lack of understanding from her doctors, she looked for other solutions. By changing her diet, she learned that she is severely allergic to dairy and gluten, and this discovery was life-changing.

Once Shoshanna made the connection that making different dietary choices can transform your life, she knew that this had to be shared with as many people as possible! Shoshanna will take you on a journey BEYOND gluten free, BEYOND fad diets and quick fixes and into a realm of optimal energy, vitality and wellness! Through her classes, workshops, blog, and skype sessions Shoshanna shares her knowledge about the benefits of a SOUL (seasonal, organic, unrefined, local) diet and offers motivation and inspiration so that you can feel better than you have in years!

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Posts by Shoshanna Levy

October 19, 2011

Fall is in full swing, and with it comes a bounty of pumpkins.  Pie, curries, seeds; there are countless ways to use this colorful winter squash. Try these delicious grain free muffins which are...

October 19, 2011


Carving spooky and funy faces in a pumpkins is a Halloween tradition, and if you want to take your carving skills to the next level then check out this handy slideshow from Serious Eats.

October 19, 2011

gluten free beer

Gluten intolerant beer lovers rejoice! New Planet has come out with Off Grid IPA that is 100% gluten free.  The beer is made with sorghum root and uses a variety of hops for maxiumum flavor. I...

October 18, 2011

polyface farms

Activist farmer, Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms has now gotten mainstream coverage via Time Magazine. This is amazing news for the blossoming sustainable agriculture movement. Our food supply is at a...

October 18, 2011


Rainbow chard is a colorful and nutrient dense addition to any dish. Serve this flavorful leafy green side with your favorite protein and a side of winter squash or quinoa for a nourishing and...

October 18, 2011

 Several health and food safety organizations are standing up to McDonalds due to their aggressive marketing of junk food to children. An open letter written by 500 health professionals was sent...

October 18, 2011


The CE-YO of Stonyfield yogurt got together with some moms to make a music video with a message. Eat organic food, it's better for you, your kids, and the planet. "Film yourself screaming,...

October 17, 2011

apples caramel

Caramel apples are a celebrated fall delight, and now you can make your very own at home. It's so simple, and it will be tons of fun for the kids to join in and make it part of their Halloween...

October 17, 2011

fava beans

This quick and healthy Mediterranean bean dish makes for a super simple dinner. Serve it with your favorite greens and quinoa for a complete and nourishing meal. Fava Beans 2 tablespoons olive oil...

October 16, 2011


Peppers are sparce in the winter, but you can enjoy the flavors all year long, by pickling them. Spice up your favorite sandwich, or pair it with eggs, meats, veggie burgers, or fish. Really, you can...

October 15, 2011

raw milk

A struggling and creative dairy farmer in France came up with a way to take his business to the next level and into the future. Michel Cantaloube began selling 200 liters of milk a day once he set up...

October 15, 2011

school lunch

This video of Michael Pollan advocating healthier school lunches is from Nourish Short Films: 54 Bite-sized Videos about the Story of your Food. Alice Waters and Jaime Oliver also contributed to the...

October 15, 2011

bok choy

The powerful flavors of Chinese food are delicious, but restaurants often don't use the best quality ingredients. By home cooking your favorite foods, you can decide exactly what goes in your...

October 14, 2011


Canadian Organic Growers World Food Day is this weekend, join in the fun. GMO Free Challenge The GMO Free Project of Tuscon offers a tip a day to avoid GMOs. Label GMOs LA edition, check out this...

October 14, 2011

pumpkin bread

Elena's Pantry has created this decadent pumpkin bread. Besides the tantalizing taste, the best part is that its grain and sugar free and packed with nutrient dense goodness. Pumpkin Paleo Bread...

October 13, 2011


Even with China's shaky food safety record, they are ahead of the US when it comes to antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed. "The ban is supported by the academic community, which...

October 13, 2011

persimmon margarita

Even us nutritionists need to cut loose here and there, but we can still make our cocktail-hour be as nourishing and healthy as possible. Rather than loading up on a bunch of sour mix which contains...

October 13, 2011


It's official, America is now using more corn to fuel their cars than their bodies. Ethanol is the main recipient of the massive amounts of subsidized corn grown in this country each year. "...

October 13, 2011

red cabbage

Take your classic coleslaw  to the next level with this nutrient dense purple cabbage salad. Tahini offers quality fat and protein along with a different kind of creaminess than the...

October 12, 2011


Most granola is full of sugar and doesn't have enough protein to be a proper breakfast. Luckily, it's possible to make your own nutrient dense and satisfying granola.  This decadent DIY...

October 12, 2011

school lunch

Check out the best and worst school lunches across the country via Jamie Oliver's photo wall. One school in Baltimore Maryland is serving up organic and homemade lentil soup, homegrown salad and...

October 12, 2011

wall street food

The Occupy Wall Street movement has blossomed since I first posted about the need to feed the troops. The occupiers now have a continuous flow of donations, storage space, and an army of volunteers.

October 11, 2011

cacao powder

Don't call this pudding a mere dessert; it's also a healthy anytime snack. This decadent delight is loaded with healthy fat and protein and it's densely delicious. Chocolate Peanut Butter...

October 11, 2011


All around the country, pumpkin patches are popping up, and this winter squash provides much more than a canvas for spooky faces. Pumpkins are loaded with minerals, antioxidants, complex carbs and...

October 11, 2011

raw milk

Michael Schmidt is a Canadian dairy farmer who has been convicted of 15 offenses over the sale of unpasteurized milk. Michael was operating as a cow share, which means that families buy a share of...
